• Editor
  • POSTED BY Editor - March 31, 2021

Centrex Lifecycle Supply Chain Solutions

To deliver a true circular economy supply chain strategy that can respond to the challenges both environmental, structural (supply chain) and lifecycle cost of service delivery from build to disposal and as importantly everything in-between requires a radical review of current outdated supply chain operational structures and the siloed relationships within, that actually increase costs and inefficiencies

Whether a manufacturer, a retailer, e-commerce, in fact no matter where you sit in the world of making, selling, buying, disposing. The world is rapidly changing and the onset of destructive viruses which is impacting every element of life has accelerated these changes.

Home or business workers services from Centrex deliver virus clean processing minimising risk through single source management solutioning eliminating multiple touch points prevalent in todays siloed supply chains.

End to end Lifecycle solutions and so much more.

Contact Mike